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Showing posts from 2019

Release EU1KY AA Firmware CEC Version 1.01 and 1.0a

Release EU1KY AA Firmware CEC Version 1.01 and 1.0a It is the stabilized final version of EU1KY AA. Updates starting with Version 0.1 continue to add features. Please refer to the link below for added features. I have separated the Version to 1.01 and 1.0A for users who want to use AA only for instrumentation purposes. *  If you want to use all the features added up to Version 0.71, please use Version 1.0A. *  If you want to use it only for instrument use, please use Version 1.01 Version V1.0A Version V1.01 1.Download Firmware Version 1.01 and 1.0a Version 1.01 (Version with only antenna analyzer function) Version 1.0A (Version with all features added up to Version 0.71) ConvertRXP (Converters for using AA measurement data in o...

Improvements to use the FT8 protocol on the Cortex-M base

Improvements to use the FT8 protocol on the Cortex-M base Several experiments are underway to use FT8 on the Cortex-M base. The previous experiment can be seen in the link below.

Release EU1KY AA Firmware CEC Version 0.71 ( V1.0 Candidate)

Release EU1KY AA Firmware CEC Version 0.71 ( V1.0 Candidate) Changed from Version 0.70 to Version 0.71 At the request of the testers, the tuneSWR source code was restored to Version 0.53 code. All functions are the same as V0.70. Only tuneSWR has changed. This version is a development version and may be unstable, and some of the features included in this version may be removed from V1.0, Stabilized version V0.53 has been released, and stabilized version is posted separately. stabilized version :

FT8 (Wsjt-x 2.0) protocol decoding in Cortex-M for experiment

FT8 (Wsjt-x 2.0) protocol decoding in Cortex-M for experiment I implemented FT8 signal decoding on the STM32F746G-Disc board for Expermental. I want to test whether Cortex-M based FT8 communication is possible. I used Wsjt-x 2.0 and some source code to enable FT8 decoding on the Cortex-M7 base.

How to use Voice Keyer in EU1KY with CEC Firmware V0.7

How to use Voice Keyer in EU1KY with CEC Firmware V0.7 Version 0.7 is being prepared for deployment. Voice Keyer (or Voice Recorder) function was added in Version 0.7. If you only want to use it as a voice recorder, you do not need any modifications, Just need update the firmware. If you want to use it as a Voice Keyer, you need a very simple modification. 1.Modifications for use as a voice keyer 1.1 PTT Control Below is just one example. Only the part with PC817 is shown below. 1.2 MIC Input It uses a push switch to switch between microphone and AA. It is recommended to pass a small transformer between the transceiver and the AA.  Please use only one (Left or Right) because the speaker jack of AA is stereo. Recording and playback will operate in stereo. You can use either the left or the right one for you. 2.How to use Voice Keyer 2.1 Use Voice recorder Touch the 'Voice Keyer' The 'USB Host' menu has been moved to the Configuration secti...

EU1KY AA Firmware stabilization version update (V0.53) and Test about Extended WSPR Band (4m, 2m, 630m, 2190m)

EU1KY AA Firmware stabilization version update (V0.53) and Test about Extended WSPR Band (4m, 2m, 630m, 2390m) Since Version 0.53 did not cause major problems, I moved 0.53 to the stable version. My next task is to free memory to add other features. Maybe it will be version 0.6 and it will not be released. I will release the source to github after a few days of preparation after Version 0.7 is released.

Release EU1KY AA Firmware CEC Version 0.53

Release EU1KY AA Firmware CEC Version 0.53  This version is a development version and may be unstable, and some of the features included in this version may be removed from V1.0, Stabilized version V0.40 has been released, and stabilized version is posted separately. stabilized version :

How to use Audio DSP on Antenna Analyzer (Features included after CEC V0.5)

How to use Audio DSP on Antenna Analyzer (Features included after CEC V0.5) Audio DSP is a function that filters the sound coming from the transceiver into a desired range. You do not need any hardware changes to use this feature. Just prepare your headphones. If you want to make a little bit better, you can add a very small $ 1 speaker to your board. I am preparing to distribute the test firmware (V0.52). Please wait 1 ~ 2 days.

EU1KY AA Firmware stabilization version update (V0.4) and mores about v0.4

EU1KY AA Firmware stabilization version update (V0.4) and mores about v0.4 V0.4 has been changed to the stable version without changing the version number. I and testers tested for about a week and did not have any problems, so I added V0.4 to the stable version list.

Release EU1KY AA Firmware CEC Version 0.40 ( How to using WSPR, FT8, JT65 TX Mode)

Release EU1KY AA Firmware CEC Version 0.40 ( How to using WSPR, FT8, JT65 TX Mode) This version is a development version and may be unstable, and some of the features included in this version may be removed from V1.0, Stabilized version V0.35 has been released, and stabilized version is posted separately. stabilized version :

Installing SWR and RF Power Sensor in uBITX (Released I2C Meter V0.8)

Installing SWR and RF Power Sensor in uBITX I modified the I2C Type Signal Meter firmware to display SWR when using Nextion LCD in uBITX. Release I2C Type Signal Meter firmware V0.8, If you want something stable, use V 0.7 (V0.8 is a beta version) Now if you are using the I2C Type Signal Meter, you do not need to update the uBITX firmware and the Nextion LCD GUI. You only need to upload the firmware of the I2C Type Signal Meter to V0.8.

How to Frequency Calibration on EU1KY Antenna Analyzer

How to Frequency Calibration on EU1KY Antenna Analyzer I will calibrate the frequency of AA in two ways. One is using the instrument and the other is using the SSB radio without the instrument. To use an AA as a generator to test a radio, you must have a calibration procedure.  Also To use the WSPR, FT8 generator included in Version 0.40, the frequency should not be too different.

Release CEC Firmware v1.200 for uBITX All version(include V2, V3, V4, V5)

Release CEC Firmware v1.200 for uBITX All Version (include v2, v3, v4, v5) I did the firmware work for v5 when uBITX V5 was released, but I release it now. I received the feedback from a thankful beta tester and tested it myself by converting my uBITX v3 to v5 but I was not sure. I ordered the uBITX V5 and delivered the correct uBITX V5, so I made a little more fine-tuning. If you use V2, V3, V4, you do not need to update this firmware.

EU1KY Antenna Analyzer CEC stabilized version - (Latest V0.53)

EU1KY Antenna Analyzer CEC stabilized version First of all, Thank you for using the AA CEC Version firmware. I was going to develop it at a little bit faster until it was Version 1.0. But there were quite a few users out there. Thank you so much. In addition, several excellent testers have done various tests to help stabilize the firmware. So I decided to divide the version into two. It is a stabilized version and a tester version. 1.About the stabilized version The stabilization version will be upgraded if the safety is verified by testers. Therefore, the improvement of the function will be a little late. The tester version will add new features and various tests will be done by great beta testers. Again, thank you for doing various tests. The stabilized version aims to use stable firmware rather than adding features. This page will continue to update the release information of the stabilized version. 2.Download the latest stabilization version Version 0....

Released EU1KY Antenna Analyzer Version 0.34 (Stabilized version from V0.30)

Released EU1KY Antenna Analyzer Version 0.34 (Stabilized version from V0.30) Stabilized version V0.35 has been released, and stabilized version is posted separately. Please download the latest stable version from the link below. The stable version will continue to be updated on the Link above. ---------------------- Version 0.34 is a stabilized version that resolves the issue of memory interference. If you are using Version 0.30 or Version 0.33, be sure to upgrade to Version 0.34. 1.About Version 0.34 I launched Versoin 0.30 a few days ago and it was a memory interference issue. There was a problem with inter-memory interference, and we released version 0.33 with an urgent fix. It was determined that the compiler was in the process of linking. I have some suspicions and applied suspicious parts to the source code, and all of the memory interferences are gone. Version 0.34 has the same functio...

Release Firmware CEC Version 0.33 (Issue found and fixed) for Antenna Analyzer(EU1KY)

Release Firmware CEC Version 0.33 (Issue found and fixed) for Antenna Analyzer(EU1KY) Stabilized version V0.35 has been released, and stabilized version is posted separately. Please download the latest stable version from the link below. The stable version will continue to be updated on the Link above. ---------------------- Version 03 has been added with some improvements and some simple features. A brief introduction is given below. Beginning with version 3, data conversion utilities are provided for antenna simulation or Matlab use. - Reasons for changing from Version 0.30 to Version 0.33 -> Version 0.34 (Stabilized version) As the memory usage increases, it seems that interference occurs in the communication with sd-ram. I've used as much memory as possible to reduce interference. I have made some modifications to avoid memory interference and it seems to be working normall...

Release Firmware CEC Version 0.21 for Antenna Analyzer(EU1KY)

Release Firmware CEC Version 0.21 for Antenna Analyzer(EU1KY) Version 0.2 has been added with some improvements and some simple features. A brief introduction is given below.  This document contains a description of how to use the LC meter included in 0.21. The LC meter is portable and easy to use, or fun to use when working with antennas.

Release CEC Firmware v1.121 for uBITX V5

Release CEC Firmware v1.121 for uBITX V5 I did some experiments with the help of a beta tester with V5. he experiment was mainly to pass the modified filter. You can see videos related to the experiment below. (The firmware download link is at the bottom of this post)

Use the filter and Attenuator to test the VNA(Track scope) function in Antenna Analyzer

Use the filter and Attenuator to test the VNA(Track scope) function in Antenna Analyzer I have measured the performance of the S2 port added to the EU1KY Antenna Analyzer.  

Release Firmware CEC Version 0.1 for Antenna Analyzer(EU1KY)

Release Firmware CEC Version 0.1 for Antenna Analyzer(EU1KY) I would like to thank EU1KY and DH1AFK OM for making and improving this wonderful antenna analyzer. The Antenna Analyzer is already perfect enough. I just want to add a little bit. This project will continue until CEC Version 1.0.

What's new with uBITX V5. #2 - LPF and other (Download Firmware CEC Beta for V5 )

What's new with uBITX V5 #2 -  LPF and other UBITX Version 5 with improved  filter for spur has recently been released. I always appreciate Ashhar Farhan, who always makes great work. Information on uBITX Version 5 can be found on the link below. and you can download to sourcecode with schematic uBitx v5 Changes What's new with uBITX V5 #1 At the end of this article is a link to download a CEC firmware test version.

4. Antenna Analyzer(EU1KY) - How to Setup and Calibration

4. Antenna Analyzer(EU1KY) - How to Setup and Calibration The setup and calibration methods are the same for most firmware, Only the menu position is different. I will use AA Firmware CEC version for convenience. (AA firmware CEC Version will be released within one week.)

What's new with uBITX V5. #1 - Changed IF frequency

What's new with uBITX V5 #1 - Changed IF frequency UBITX Version 5 with improved  filter for spur has recently been released. I always appreciate Ashhar Farhan, who always makes great work. Information on uBITX Version 5 can be found on the link below. and you can download to sourcecode with schematic uBitx v5 Changes

3. Antenna Analyzer(EU1KY) - How to update the firmware

Antenna Analyzer(EU1KY) - How to Firmware Update  You can easily find some Firmware for Antenna Analyzer(EU1KY) on the internet. I will also release imporved firmware soon. if you have AA (EU1KY's antenna analyzer), you cans use all the firmware. i will try to explain it in this article ( AA firmware CEC Version will be released within one week.)

2.Assembling the FAA-450 Antenna Analyzer(EU1KY) - include some DH1AKF mod, KD8CEC mod (modified 18/may)

This document will continue to change as we make changes or additions. If you have an antenna board, you can make your own antenna analyzer in 30 minutes. also, you can buy assembled finished products. If you have purchased a finished product, just follow the modifications below. This document was changed on March 28. In order to prevent mistakes due to different output lines for each RF board, Piezzo connection, RTC connection, Battery voltage connection. mar/26 version for developer (my developing environment) added power, rtc, piezzo, s2 port, and changed wire color for vi, vv -> left, out

1.FAA-450 Antenna Analyzer (EU1KY) Introduction

1.FAA-450 Antenna Analyzer (EU1KY) Introduction I recently received a RF board. It is in the form of a docking board on the STM32F746 Discovery board. When you connect the RF board and the STM32F746 Discovery board, they operate as a very good antenna analyzer. 1.Introduction (this article) - 2.Create FAA-450- 3.How to update the Firmware - 4.How to Setup and Calibration - 5.Principle of Antenna Analyzer 6.Antenna Analyzer Firmware Improvement As well as a general antenna analyzer, it is possible to measure the phase so that the characteristics of the antenna can be easily grasped.  I accidentally used this antenna analyzer, but it was incredible. So I decide...

A few months too busy

A few months too busy I started the project urgently in the second half of 2018, With God's care, the project was well done and successfully demonstrated. Sorry for not responding to emails and messages in the meantime.