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Showing posts from February, 2018

Reducing CW Key Errors in uBITX

Reducing CW Key Errors in uBITX uBITX uses ADC to distinguish CW Keys. Unmodified uBITX uses A6 of ADC I / O as CW Key input. The A6 is connected to 5Volt with a 4.7K ohm resistor. The Arduino ADC has a value between 0 and 1023. As shown in the figure above, A6 is connected to 5Volt at 4.7K, so you will get a value of 1023. 1023 / 5 * 5(input) = 1023 If you press the straight key, A6 will have a value close to zero. 1023 / 5 * 0(input) = 0 To use Paddle with uBITX, we need to use 2.2k and 10k resistors. When press the Dot key of Paddle 5 * 2.2 / (4.7 + 2.2) = 1.594 1023 / 5 * 1.594  = 326 When press the Dash key of Paddle 5 * 10 / (4.7 + 10) = 3.4 1023 / 5 * 3.4 = 695 When both Dot and Dash are pressed 5 * 1.8 / (4.7 + 1.8) = 1.3 1023 / 5 * 1.3 = 265 The above values are ideal values. In actual use, errors occur in the measured value due to the error rate of the resistance, the length of the wire, and the resistance of the key con...

Using memory channels in uBITX (Storing / recalling frequencies / naming channels)

Using memory channels in uBITX Storing / recalling frequencies / naming channels in uBITX This function is supported in uBITX Firmware CEC Version 1.0 or later.

Raspberry Pi Mod for Wsjtx-Portable

RPI Modification for Wsjtx-Portable -Built-in sound card (usb type) -Built-in GPS (usb type) -Added power connector on the side

How to use Wsjtx-Portable (Wsjtx 1.8.1 based Small LCD version)

How to use Wsjtx-Portable (Wsjtx 1.8.1 based Small LCD version) This article is based on Wsjtx-Portable Version 0.5. The video you shot while creating this document are at the bottom of this document.

Create Wsjtx-Portable (Version 0.5)

The portable wsjt-x device in pocket is now named. As the title says, it's simply called Wsjtx-Portable . Wsjtx-Portable is a Wsjt-X program-only device in pocket. I wanted to make it available for use in SOTA, qrp, automobiles and outdoor.

Running uBITX Manager on Linux (Raspberry pi)

'CAT Support uBITX Firmware CEC Version 1.0 Release' was posted and linux users reqeust for Linux version of uBITX Manager.

CAT Support uBITX Firmware CEC Version 1.01 Release(Changed from v1.0)

CAT Support uBITX Firmware CEC Version 1.01  Release  (Changed from v1.0) uBITX Firmware CEC Version 1.06 has been released. Please click the link below.