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Showing posts from March, 2019

EU1KY Antenna Analyzer CEC stabilized version - (Latest V0.53)

EU1KY Antenna Analyzer CEC stabilized version First of all, Thank you for using the AA CEC Version firmware. I was going to develop it at a little bit faster until it was Version 1.0. But there were quite a few users out there. Thank you so much. In addition, several excellent testers have done various tests to help stabilize the firmware. So I decided to divide the version into two. It is a stabilized version and a tester version. 1.About the stabilized version The stabilization version will be upgraded if the safety is verified by testers. Therefore, the improvement of the function will be a little late. The tester version will add new features and various tests will be done by great beta testers. Again, thank you for doing various tests. The stabilized version aims to use stable firmware rather than adding features. This page will continue to update the release information of the stabilized version. 2.Download the latest stabilization version Version 0....

Released EU1KY Antenna Analyzer Version 0.34 (Stabilized version from V0.30)

Released EU1KY Antenna Analyzer Version 0.34 (Stabilized version from V0.30) Stabilized version V0.35 has been released, and stabilized version is posted separately. Please download the latest stable version from the link below. The stable version will continue to be updated on the Link above. ---------------------- Version 0.34 is a stabilized version that resolves the issue of memory interference. If you are using Version 0.30 or Version 0.33, be sure to upgrade to Version 0.34. 1.About Version 0.34 I launched Versoin 0.30 a few days ago and it was a memory interference issue. There was a problem with inter-memory interference, and we released version 0.33 with an urgent fix. It was determined that the compiler was in the process of linking. I have some suspicions and applied suspicious parts to the source code, and all of the memory interferences are gone. Version 0.34 has the same functio...

Release Firmware CEC Version 0.33 (Issue found and fixed) for Antenna Analyzer(EU1KY)

Release Firmware CEC Version 0.33 (Issue found and fixed) for Antenna Analyzer(EU1KY) Stabilized version V0.35 has been released, and stabilized version is posted separately. Please download the latest stable version from the link below. The stable version will continue to be updated on the Link above. ---------------------- Version 03 has been added with some improvements and some simple features. A brief introduction is given below. Beginning with version 3, data conversion utilities are provided for antenna simulation or Matlab use. - Reasons for changing from Version 0.30 to Version 0.33 -> Version 0.34 (Stabilized version) As the memory usage increases, it seems that interference occurs in the communication with sd-ram. I've used as much memory as possible to reduce interference. I have made some modifications to avoid memory interference and it seems to be working normall...

Release Firmware CEC Version 0.21 for Antenna Analyzer(EU1KY)

Release Firmware CEC Version 0.21 for Antenna Analyzer(EU1KY) Version 0.2 has been added with some improvements and some simple features. A brief introduction is given below.  This document contains a description of how to use the LC meter included in 0.21. The LC meter is portable and easy to use, or fun to use when working with antennas.