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Showing posts from 2020

Release DVPI Version 0.95

Release DVPI Version 0.95 Version 0.95 is a candidate version of Version 1.0 so, If there are no major problems you won't need to upgrade to Version 1.0 DVPi uses the USRP Client protocol.  When you install and use DVSwitch, you must read and comply with the license that appears. The user is responsible for the license for the use of DVPi.

DVPi plans and current status

DVPi plans and current status I am posting this article because I think some of you may be curious about the development status of DVPi.  All work for Version 1.0 is over and stabilization has been underway since a few days ago. Today, I'm going to give you a simple news. It will be released after stabilization work is over.

DMR Talk group Status Server

 DMR Talk group Status Server DVPi users do not need to install this server. You only need to enter the TG Status server address in DVPi 0.9. has stopped running hose servers anymore. so, I developed a service program to replace the hose server. It works on Raspberry Pi. 

Release DVPi Version 0.88 - Dual Mode, D-Star, Function Key 2

 Release DVPi Version 0.88 - Dual Mode, D-Star, Function Key 2 DVPi uses the USRP Client protocol. When you install and use DVSwitch, you must read and comply with the license that appears. Version 0.88 is a test version. If you want a stable version, please wait for Version 1.0.

DVPi schematic final version

 DVPi schematic final version I know some nice PCBs are designed for DVPi. I also ordered 5 samples of the PCB designed by EA7GIB and recently received it. However, I had to add one LED and one switch to the needs of users. But this is just an option. Add this feature only if you need it.

About DVPi Talkgroup status line

About DVPi Talk group status line Since DVPi 0.7, a status line has been added inside the Talkg group button. This post will explain the Talk group status line.

DVSwitch Builtin on DVPi (DVPi standalone setup) without DVPi Manager

DVSwitch Builtin on DVPi (DVPi standalone setup) without DVPi manager DVPi is a client program that communicates with DVSwitch.Please be aware of the licenses that arise when installing and using DVSwitch. Follow the instructions that appear when installing DVSwitch or the instructions on the DVSwitch site. I am not responsible for DVSwitch and the programs contained in DVSwitch, and I am not responsible for the use of DVPi.  Please use it only if you agree to this. If you are using an existing DVSwitch server or DVLink server, you do not need to read this post. Follow the DVSwitch group's instructions on how to install DVSwitch on DVPi. I just make the setup of the installed DVSwitch a little easier.  I will explain how to set up DVSwitch to DVPi in two ways. The first is to use DVPi Manager and the second is to not use DVPi Manager. This post explains how to edit ini file directly without DVPi manager. If you want to easily configure the DVPi manager, please refer to the previous

DVSwitch Builtin on DVPi (DVPi standalone setup) using DVPi Manager

DVSwitch Builtin on DVPi (DVPi standalone setup) using DVPi Manager DVPi is a client program that communicates with DVSwitch.Please be aware of the licenses that arise when installing and using DVSwitch. Follow the instructions that appear when installing DVSwitch or the instructions on the DVSwitch site. I am not responsible for DVSwitch and the programs contained in DVSwitch, and I am not responsible for the use of DVPi.  Please use it only if you agree to this. If you are using an existing DVSwitch server or DVLink server, you do not need to read this post. Follow the DVSwitch group's instructions on how to install DVSwitch on DVPi. I just make the setup of the installed DVSwitch a little easier.  I will explain how to set up DVSwitch to DVPi in two ways. The first is to use DVPi Manager and the second is to not use DVPi Manager. This post will use DVPi Manager to setup DVSwitch. If you are having trouble using DVPi Manager, please refer to the following post. As of DVPi Version

DVPi hardware expansion (PTT, Encoder and etc)

DVPi hardware expansion (PTT, Encoder and etc) DVPi can be used without any additional hardware. A Raspberry Pi, 3.5" LCD and USB sound card are enough for DMR communication. However, if you want to use DVPi more conveniently, or if you like to make it, I think it is good to configure the hardware as follows. This hardware is the final version. No hardware will be added to the DVPi anymore.  I would like to introduce the DVPi hardware expansion into several types. You can create DVPi the way you want. 

Release DVPi 0.7 - Installing on Micro SD card & First boot DVPi

 Release DVPi 0.7 - Installing on Micro SD card & First boot DVPi DVPi is a client program that communicates with DVSwitch.Please be aware of the licenses that arise when installing and using DVSwitch. Follow the instructions that appear when installing DVSwitch or the instructions on the DVSwitch site. I am not responsible for DVSwitch and the programs contained in DVSwitch, and I am not responsible for the use of DVPi.  Please use it only if you agree to this. This post applies to all versions released after Version 0.7, It's just the version that's attached to the file name. In this post, it's all about downloading the file and finding out the DVPi's IP. This post also includes how to download and run DVPi Manager.  This post applies to all DVPi versions.

Create Network Transceiver - DVPi Audio In/Out adjustment

Create Network Transceiver - DVPi Audio In/Out adjustment I will make a video for this post and post it on YouTube. (Next monday) Describes the settings for DVPi audio input/output. If you are familiar with Linux, you probably already know. In particular, if you are transmitting too loud or too small when you are TX Mode, be sure to read this article. This is very important for using DVPi well, Let me explain how I set it up.

Creating Network Transceiver using DVSwitch #3.Encoder and PTT installation (and Release Version 0.5)

Creating Network Transceiver using DVSwitch #3.Encoder and PTT installation  (DVPi Version 0.5 released and Rotary encoder, PTT installed) I added some hardware extensions in version 0.7. Also read the article at Link below. This post describes the additions made in Version 0.5 and the encoder and PTT installation.

Creating Network Transceiver using DVSwitch (or DVLink) #2-How to use

Creating Network Transceiver using DVSwitch (or DVLink) # 2.How to use I upgraded DVPi to Version 0.4 today. The download location is the same. The functionality has not changed. It just changed the default volume of the Raspberry Pi's speakers and microphone. (Speaker : 100%, Mic : 80%), Also, the button position of the Menu Screen has been changed slightly.

Creating Network Transceiver using DVSwitch (or DVLink) #1-install and basic setting

Creating Network Transceiver using DVSwitch (or DV Link) #1-install and basic setting DVPi is a client program that communicates with DVSwitch.Please be aware of the licenses that arise when installing and using DVSwitch. Follow the instructions that appear when installing DVSwitch or the instructions on the DVSwitch site. I am not responsible for DVSwitch and the programs contained in DVSwitch, and I am not responsible for the use of DVPi.  Please use it only if you agree to this. I want to make a simple Network Walkie Talkie using the Raspberry pi. After downloading the image, write it to the SD-Card and enter the server information in the ini file.  It's a simple task, but I wrote it step-by-step, making the article longer. If you have a Raspberry pi experience, you don't need to read this article in detail. I uploaded all the contents of this article in a video and uploaded it to YouTube. I'll link to the video at the end of this article.

I am planning a project using Raspberry Pi.

I have several types of Raspberry Pi boards. The Raspberry Pi board is probably one of the most sold boards in recent years. Raspberry Pi boards are inexpensive and have great performance. The best thing is that you can use Linux. The figure below is a collection of RPI V1 to V4.  It is RPI V1 The board on the right in the photo below is a recent RPI V4. Already, amateur radios are using a variety of Raspberry Pi boards. I am trying to make something new. For example, network radios for amateur radio, Devices using Wsjt-x I experimented with cheap USB sound cards for the new project. All are USB sound cards under $4. The sound quality was all poor. However, the RPI's fast CPU will enable DSP functionality. Below is a $2 USB sound card with a cable attached to it. All are compatible with RPI. Below, I thought it was possible to input a 2CH microphone with a $4 USB sound card. However, it was only 1CH microphone input. The first project