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Showing posts from April, 2019

EU1KY AA Firmware stabilization version update (V0.4) and mores about v0.4

EU1KY AA Firmware stabilization version update (V0.4) and mores about v0.4 V0.4 has been changed to the stable version without changing the version number. I and testers tested for about a week and did not have any problems, so I added V0.4 to the stable version list.

Release EU1KY AA Firmware CEC Version 0.40 ( How to using WSPR, FT8, JT65 TX Mode)

Release EU1KY AA Firmware CEC Version 0.40 ( How to using WSPR, FT8, JT65 TX Mode) This version is a development version and may be unstable, and some of the features included in this version may be removed from V1.0, Stabilized version V0.35 has been released, and stabilized version is posted separately. stabilized version :

Installing SWR and RF Power Sensor in uBITX (Released I2C Meter V0.8)

Installing SWR and RF Power Sensor in uBITX I modified the I2C Type Signal Meter firmware to display SWR when using Nextion LCD in uBITX. Release I2C Type Signal Meter firmware V0.8, If you want something stable, use V 0.7 (V0.8 is a beta version) Now if you are using the I2C Type Signal Meter, you do not need to update the uBITX firmware and the Nextion LCD GUI. You only need to upload the firmware of the I2C Type Signal Meter to V0.8.

How to Frequency Calibration on EU1KY Antenna Analyzer

How to Frequency Calibration on EU1KY Antenna Analyzer I will calibrate the frequency of AA in two ways. One is using the instrument and the other is using the SSB radio without the instrument. To use an AA as a generator to test a radio, you must have a calibration procedure.  Also To use the WSPR, FT8 generator included in Version 0.40, the frequency should not be too different.

Release CEC Firmware v1.200 for uBITX All version(include V2, V3, V4, V5)

Release CEC Firmware v1.200 for uBITX All Version (include v2, v3, v4, v5) I did the firmware work for v5 when uBITX V5 was released, but I release it now. I received the feedback from a thankful beta tester and tested it myself by converting my uBITX v3 to v5 but I was not sure. I ordered the uBITX V5 and delivered the correct uBITX V5, so I made a little more fine-tuning. If you use V2, V3, V4, you do not need to update this firmware.