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Showing posts from January, 2018


The following link explains why created WSJTX-Portable.

Find and fix bugs in non-debug environment (fixed bug on WSJT-X)

I'm posting this experience to help new programmers. This article shows how to solve problems for new programmers. I do not think my method is the best. I think that it is one of various ways to solve an issue. A program called WSJ-X started to become popular. It was a great program. even the program is open source based.

FLDIGI and FTBCAT Configuration for uBITX

Use CEC version firmware 0.25 or later of uBITX. The following examples are based on version 0.27. We will post the 0.27 version as the test ends. All of the examples below only describe connections to uBITX. Please refer to the manual or other documents for how to use the program. uBITX Firmware 0.27 :

JT65-HF Configuration for uBITX

Use CEC version firmware 0.25 or later of uBITX. The following examples are based on version 0.27. All of the examples below only describe connections to uBITX. Please refer to the manual or other documents for how to use the program. uBITX Firmware 0.27 :

Release Version 0.27 of CAT support uBITX firmware, uBITX Manager 0.2

CAT support uBITX firmware Import Note uBITX Firmware CEC Version 1.06 has been released. Please click the link below.

Ham radio deluxe configuration for uBITX

Use CEC version firmware 2.5 or later of uBITX. The following examples are based on version 0.27. We will post the 0.27 version as the test ends. All of the examples below only describe connections to uBITX. Please refer to the manual or other documents for how to use the program.

WJST-X configuration for uBITX

Use CEC version firmware 2.5 or later of uBITX. The following examples are based on version 0.27. We will post the 0.27 version as the test ends. All of the examples below only describe connections to uBITX. Please refer to the manual or other documents for how to use the program.

A guide for beginners who are new to uBITX with new firmware (CEC Version)

This posting is for uBITX's new firmware (CEC Version 0.25 or later) users. Those who use uBITX are mostly those who are skilled in radio. They can skip the begin of this document and see only the added features. This article is based on the person who first worked with uBITX.

Release beta version of CAT support uBITX firmware.

CAT support uBITX firmware Import Note A new version has been released v1.0 . Please use the link below to download the firmware.

How to use uBITX Manager for original source code

This is a guide for uBITX's original firmware (or source code) users to use uBITX memory manager. Unfortunately, the original source can not be used as it is.

uBITX Memory Manager Program

This post was written at the beginning of implementation. I've re-published your usage in more detail. Detailed firmware upgrade method and how to use uBITX Manager are posted on the link below. For those who do not have a arduino compile environment, I have compiled the original source code with only the above code. Please click the link below.

WSPR on Stand alone uBITX without any device

WSPR WSPR is short for "Weak Signal Propagation Reporter". For more information on wspr see the links below

uBITX Auto reset problem and solution

Already this issue is known to Arduino users. and There are also various solutions to this. If you are an Arduino or BITX (uBITX) user, you've already experienced it and have solved the problem. This article is for those who are new to Arduino like me. I spent a lot of time thinking that this problem from my firmware. In other words, I am an old firmware developer, but I first tried it (arduino).

How to upgrade uBITX Firmware

uBITX is based on Arduino Nano. So uBITX's firmware upgrade method is the same as Arduino. There are two ways to upgrade the firmware of uBITX. The first is to compile the source from the Arduino IDE, and the second is to upload the compiled hex file using the Firmware Upgrade Tool. I'll show you how to upload a compiled hex file as a second method. 1.Connect the uBITX's USB cable to the computer. 2.Run Device Manager on your computer.   The way to open the Device Manager for each OS Version differs slightly.   In most Windows, you can easily launch the Device Manager by running.   On your computer, press the Windows key + R.    Type devmgmt.msc and press OK Button. On most operating systems, there will be a serial port named Ports with CH340. If so, the next step is skipped. If the serial port is not installed as below, you need to install the driver. Included in uBITX is the Adonano, which uses the CH340 USB To UART part....

Fixed bugs found in uBITX -

I am an embedded programmer, but I first tried arduino. Arduino knew only that it was used for learning purposes. However, it is based on C and it seems to have considerable applicability. In particular, a concise structure makes it easy to write code. I found some error, but easy fixed because of very small bug. 1.CW Side Tone Configuration - Error  There is no response when PTT is pressed after CW side tone is set. but this is very simple problem, i fixed code and send information to administrator of uBITX source code before fixed code while ( digitalRead (PTT) == LOW || ! btnDown ()) { knob = enc_read (); if (knob > 0 && sideTone < 2000 ) sideTone += 10 ; else if (knob < 0 && sideTone > 100 ) sideTone -= 10 ; else continue ; // don't update the frequency or the display ton...