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Creating Network Transceiver using DVSwitch (or DVLink) #1-install and basic setting

Creating Network Transceiver using DVSwitch (or DV Link) #1-install and basic setting

DVPi is a client program that communicates with DVSwitch.Please be aware of the licenses that arise when installing and using DVSwitch. Follow the instructions that appear when installing DVSwitch or the instructions on the DVSwitch site. I am not responsible for DVSwitch and the programs contained in DVSwitch, and I am not responsible for the use of DVPi. Please use it only if you agree to this.
I want to make a simple Network Walkie Talkie using the Raspberry pi.
After downloading the image, write it to the SD-Card and enter the server information in the ini file.  It's a simple task, but I wrote it step-by-step, making the article longer.
If you have a Raspberry pi experience, you don't need to read this article in detail.

I uploaded all the contents of this article in a video and uploaded it to YouTube.
I'll link to the video at the end of this article.

1.Installation and basic settings  (this article)
2.How to use and How to update
3.Rotary encoder, PTT installation
4.Advanced usage
5.Built-in DVSwitch (I will write this only when there is someone who wants it)

I am studying amateur wireless digital communication via the internet.
There are various communication methods (D-Star, DMR, Fusion), but I have only used DMR so far.

You must have DMR communication experience to read this article. In particular, this radio uses DVSwitch, so you must know how to use DVSwitch (or DVLink).

I've been analyzing DMR communication methods and packets for a few days.  If I have a chance later, I will post about hacking of DMR packets.

2.Preparations for making Network Transceiver 

2.1.Raspberry pi
  Any version above 2.0B is fine.
  I develop on RPI 2.0B and test on RPI 3.0 and RPI 4.0.

  Raspberry Pi 2B (OK)
  Raspberry Pi 3 (OK)
  Raspberry Pi 4 (OK)

2.2 3.5 LCD
It uses 3.5 LCD for Raspberry PI. I tested several LCDs, and 3.5 inches was the best fit for this project.

It is 3.5 LCD from other manufacturers, but the operation is the same. However, the top and bottom may be reversed depending on the type of LCD. If the top and bottom are flipped, it can be set in the program.

2.3 USB Sound card
  No need to be too expensive. recommend a USB sound card for less than $3.
  I tested several types of sound cards. They all worked perfectly on Raspberry pi and dvpi programs. If you have a different shape USB sound card, you can use it.

I'm going to use a model with wires because I'm going to make a case in the future.

Below is the sound card I used when I created the Wsjt-x Portable. Both work perfectly.

Again, any cheap USB sound card is good.

2.4 Micro SD-Card
  At the time of development, I used an 8GB SD-Card. Depending on the manufacturer, the actual capacity is slightly different even for the same 8GB SD-Card.

I recommend you use a 16GB or larger MicroSD card.

2.5. Option - (Not used in this post. Even without these, you have no problem using the radio. It just adds convenience.)

  - Rotary encoder (if you want changing talk group by Dial like analog transceiver)
  - 10k resistor * 10ea  (5k~10k are all possible)
  -  Push switch (if you want ptt work by switch)
  - Push & Lock Switch (if you want ptt work by this switch)
  - Speaker and amplifer (If you want to attach the speaker to the radio)

  I will be installing them one by one in later articles.
  Again, there is no problem using the network transceiver without this option.

3.Download and install
3.1 Download DVPi Image file (1.5Gb)
Future update files can be downloaded from the link below.

Download the latest version.  The descriptions below are based on Version 0.3, so the file name may be different. However, the installation method is the same.

Information about DVPi Image
  Login : pi
  Password : dvpi
  VNC Password : 595959  

Click to start downloading.

3.2 Write DVPi Image file to Micro SD-Card
  If you have experience with Raspberry pi, use the program you used to insert the operating system into the SD-Card. I used to use Win32disk-Imager mainly.

I tried this new program from the Raspberry Pi homepage.
You can download it from the site below.

Download and install the program for your operating system.

Unzip the downloaded DVPi image file. 

Execute Image Write program (ex: Win32Disk-Imager or Raspberry PiImager)

 Select the DVPI_03.img file.

 Connect Micro SD-Card to computer. (using card-reader)
 Select Micro SD-Card driver.

Press the Write button to start writing.

3.3 Basic Setting
  Edit the dvpi.ini file in the SD card file.

There are several settings, but for basic use, only two modifications are required.
Enter your DVSwitch IP address at SERVER_IP.
Enter your DVSwitch Port at SERVER_TX_PORT or SERVER_RX_PORT

When the DVSwitch IP and Port are input, save and remove the SD-Card.

4.Mounting on a Raspberry Pi
  Insert Micro SD-Card

Mount the 3.5LCD on the GPIO port of the Raspberry PI.

Connect a USB sound card.

Connect power.

Depending on the LCD, the top and bottom may be flipped as shown below.

Follow the steps below only if the screen is upside down.
Click Menu button on screen

The following Menu screen will appear.

Click the "3.5 LCD 180" button.

It should appear as follows.

5.Brief usage (Basic Settings)
(The details of how to use will be posted in the next post.)

When power is connected to the Raspberry pi, the following screen appears. We will call this screen the main screen. Basic settings can be made by clicking the Menu button.

 If you are having trouble sending or receiving voice, click Sound card info.

Then, as shown below, the sound card information supported by the Raspberry pi will appear. The index number is important.
In the case below, Index 0 can use Input 1 Channel and Output 2 Channel.
However, Index 1 cannot use Input.
If you have more than one USB sound card installed, you can select and use voice input and output.
Enter the desired soundcard INDEX number in the SOUND_CARD section of the dvpi.ini file.

EX) in dvpi.ini file

If you want to control the Raspberry PI using Putty, VNC, or a remote desktop, you need to know the IP address of the Raspberry pi.

Click the 'Get IP Address'button to display the Raspberry pi's network information.

If you do not use a 3.5 LCD and you want to connect a regular monitor to the HDMI port, click the HDMI button below.

Button '3.5 LCD' : Change display to 3.5 LCD
Button '3.5 LCD 180' : Change display to 3.5 LCD Rotate 180 (Flip)
Button 'HDMI' : Change display to HDMI Port

Button 'Return to Main' : Return to Main screen
Button 'Close Program' : Close program, return to Raspberry pi X-Window
Button 'Reboot'  : Reboot Raspberry pi
Button 'Shutdown ' : Halt Raspberry pi,

When you want to turn off the Raspberry Pi, it is recommended to turn it off after a while after pressing this button.

This week I wrote about installation and basic settings.
How to use a little more details will be posted in the next post.

I uploaded all the contents of this article in a video and uploaded it to YouTube.

Information about DVPi Image
  Login : pi
  Password : dvpi
  VNC Password : 595959  

Thanks for reading the long article.


  1. Hi Ian, I have been waiting for the detailed information of your network radio. It's a pity that my LCD hasn't arrived yet. By the way, I saw you on TG45022 thi s morning and called you but you didn't seem to be monitoring. Anyway, I will introduce this awesome project to other Korean hams at Hope to talk you on DMR.

  2. Thanks for your interest OM. Probably easy to make.
    I tested the default volume of the Raspberry pi on servral talk group today (Maybe you saw my call sign back then)
    As a result of testing, I adjusted the default volume of the Raspberry Pi so I released Version 0.4 a while ago.

    Thanks again, Lee

  3. Hello lee, very fine job and very interesting
    congratulations :) ,
    step 1 was done here in the east of france :)
    I'm waiting for the next step ;)
    RPI 3B+
    LCD 3.5"

    F5SWB, Dimitri.

    1. Thanks for your interest.
      For the time being, I'm going to do some Raspberry pi related projects.
      I hope the LCD will arrive soon.

      KD8CEC Ianlee

  4. Hi Ian, can we utilize LCDs only having serial interface?

  5. Easy to install and works very well.
    Congratulations KD8CEC.
    73 from CT2GFP

  6. Yes please "Built-in DVSwitch (I will write this only when there is someone who wants it)"

    de James

  7. I have installed DVSwitch on the Rassberry Pi and have edited the MMDVM_Bridge MMDVM_Bridge.ini with all my details etc but I still get +NOINFO+ can you help in anyway. would be very much appreciated

    de James

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hi James!
    Here my own version of standalone DVPi ...
    - Raspberry Pi Model B v. 1.2
    - Official Raspberry Touch Screen LCD 7 "
    - External SSD 120GB
    - Condenser microphone SF-666
    - Headphones then 3W amplifier and speaker.
    - RVPi V. 0.5
    - DVSwitch menu F1PTL
    - Adjustment of the various variables for proper operation
    73 from F6CYK/Tony (France)

    1. Thank you Tony for your configuration Wow, I guess I am going to have to wait for the stand alone version from Ian, my Raspberry Pi knowledge is very limited and after several attemps I am getting no where I will just have to be patient. Do you think it would be posible to some how interface a HandHeld Mic and speaker to this project perhaps into the USB sound card the problem I see is the PTT.
      once again Tony thank you.

      James VK6NJP

    2. Hello Tony,

      Have you resized for larger screen yet?

      Tom VE3NY

  10. What is the fuction of System Info button?
    if press the System Info button, DVPi exit to Rasbian windows.

  11. Hi Ian,
    why to the right of the s/power meter bar, writes my DMR ID code instead of my callsign?
    Spiros, SV1DPP

  12. how to know server dvi and server ip ?

  13. How can I solve this problem ("noinfo")? , I tried to find an answer on the internet but it was useless ....

  14. I trying raspberry pi 4b 1g, but it can not install dvipi image. start4.elf is not compitable...

  15. I have a raspberry pi experience but, I think to read this article again for me to refresh my learning. Thank you. Dumpster Rental Fairfield County CT

  16. Even though it's a straightforward task, I created the essay step-by-step to make it lengthier. See


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