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WJST-X configuration for uBITX

Use CEC version firmware 2.5 or later of uBITX.
The following examples are based on version 0.27.
We will post the 0.27 version as the test ends.
All of the examples below only describe connections to uBITX.
Please refer to the manual or other documents for how to use the program.

 Download :

 After installing the program, connect the uBITX USB to the computer.


 Click File -> Settings...

 Select Yaesu FT-817 from the Rig selection menu.

Select the serial port to which uBITX is connected.

When uBITX is connected to the USB port of the computer, the virtual serial port appears in the control panel.

The baud rate is set to 38400.

PTT Method selects CAT.

Please make other settings as shown below.

Then press the Test CAT button.
Maybe there is a timeout error.
Raduino (problem of Arduino) has the problem that it is automatically reset when first serial port is connected after power is supplied.
I've posted a troubleshooting article on my blog. If you want to solve it, please read it.
But I just use it. There will be no problem after that.

Press the Test PTT Button

Then, Your uBITX should be changed to TX mode as shown below.

Press the OK button.

The frequency of the main screen of wsjt-x may be changed automatically.
I selected the JT-65 mode and the frequency was automatically changed to 14.076.000.

Now you can have a happy ham life with wsjt-x and uBITX.

If you select a band on wsjt-x, your uBITX will automatically change its frequency and mode.
It is important. If only PTT is connected without frequency synchronization, wsjt-x may be recorded as an incorrect band when it records the log automatically.

The photo below was taken directly from this document.

The settings in the raspberry pie are the same.
The video below is a video that I tested on Windows and Raspberry.




  1. How do I connect ubitx to MacBook and configure to WJST-X. please help me

  2. Hi, This guide worked for Windows and Mac. How is it about the soundcard settings?

  3. On my blog, I have an essay about troubleshooting. I hope you will read it and find the solution. See:


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