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uBITX Firmware CEC Version 1.095Beta Release(Include Nextion, TJC GUI Firmware V2)

uBITX Firmware CEC Version 1.095Beta  Release
(Include  Nextion LCD and TJC LCD GUI Firmware V2)

uBITX firmware CEC Version is based on uBITX which has not modified anything. Prior to deployment, the 16x02 LCD with built-in is tested first. Nextion LCD, TJC LCD, 20x04 LCD and I2C LCD are not essential for using uBITX Firmware CEC version.
In order to view signals from Character LCD or Nextion LCD, Signal Meter Sensor must be installed. Of course, CEC Firmware operates normally even if S-meter sensor is not installed.

Version 1.097 has been released.

1.Installation and Introduction
The link below contains installation instructions and basic usage, so this post will briefly explain the changes.

Select .HEX file
Two uBITX firmware are available for Nextion LCD (include TJC LCD).
The file 'UBITX_CEC_V1.095_NX.hex' and the file 'UBITX_CEC_V1.095_NXU.hex'.
Most of the features of both files are the same.

Nextion LCD (include TJC) can control uBITX's memory.
'UBITX_CEC_V1.095_NXU.hex' version can read and write all memory areas of uBITX on Nextion LCD.
The 'UBITX_CEC_V1.095_NX.hex' version can read all the memory areas of uBITX on the Nextion LCD, but the writes can only be written to the 770~775 area.
(I assigned 770 to 775 of the EEProm of uBITX for external devices)

In order to use 'stored channel, load channel' added in this version, you can upload 'UBITX_CEC_V1.095_NXU.Hex' file.
If you want to keep uBITX a little safer, use version 'UBITX_CEC_V1.095_NX.Hex'

2.uBITX Firmware CEC Version 1.095 and Nextion, TJC LCD GUI V2 Download
Precompiled .HEX files

Nextion LCD GUI Files (include gui sourcefile (.hmi), precompiled (.tft))
Officaial Support 2.4", 2.8", but include 3.2, 3.5 for test (just converted from 2.8")
I have added 2.4".TFT files and uploaded again. If you are using 2.4", download again.

TJC LCD GUI Files (include gui sourcefile (.hmi), precompiled (.tft))
Officaial Support 2.4", 2.8", but include 3.2, 3.5 for test (just converted from 2.8")

Nextion LCD GUI Template file for Developer, The Template file is a blank screen that only communicates with uBITX.

Since uBITX firmware source files will continue to change, we will push to github when the beta period ends.

3.Changes and improvements
3.1 Bug fixed (for all LCD version include character LCD)
Fixed a bug where changed frequency can not be applied when frequency is changed during split communication.

3.2 Improved responsiveness to button touch
 (SDR, Split, TX On/Off, RIT, IF-S and more)

3.3 Add communication protocol with other devices
I have made it possible to connect various devices that communicate UART to the LCD in parallel. Below is an example of connecting two LCDs in parallel.
When connected in parallel, devices can communicate with each other using the added protocol.
Version 1.095 included an example of connecting two LCDs and turning off one LCD from the other. This will be covered again in the Nextion LCD development documentation

3.4 Multi-LCD support

Please refer to the separate post. See link below (below 3.10)

3.5 Frequency shift by left and right touch of frequency panel
Touch the area A in the figure below to decrease the frequency. Touch the area C to increase the frequency and Touch the area B to Display Frequency Input Page

3.6 Reduces the number of screen refreshes
  (ex : When Select Mode)

3.7 Selectable Tune Step
You can select Tune Step by touching A area in the figure below

The following Tuen Step selection line is displayed. Just touch the desired Step

3.8 Improved when waking from Screen Saver mode
 There are two ways to wake up from the screen saver. The first is to change the frequency by turning Dial.
The CEC Firmware Version 1.095 and Version 1.094 calculates the time to switch to the screen saver as the time that the frequency stays unchanged.

Another way is to touch the bottom left of the screen. (CW Information Panel Area)

In Version 1.094, when you touch the screen to exit the Screen Saver mode, you are switched to the 'Main control' page at the same time you leave Screen Saver mode.
In Version 1.095, only leaves Screen Saver mode.

3.9 Added Spectrum function using S-Meter sensor (Useful or fun)
Please refer to the separate post. See link below (below 3.10)

3.10 Added Band Scan function using S-Meter sensor (Useful or fun)
Please refer to the separate post. See link below

Please refer to the following link and video for the contents up to here.

Multi LCD and Improvements introduced

Spectrum and Band scan

3.11 Icon alignment and font normalization
There was a feedback between the picture and the text that the font was different.

3.12 Apply CW Frequency Shift (since 1.03 version with character LCD)
It is displayed on the screen in two ways in CWL and CWU mode,
If you want to be displayed as the actual transmitted frequency, set the following in uBITX Manager.

The actual transmitted frequency will be displayed on the screen. This feature is supported from Version 1.03, Nextion LCD and TJC LCD support this feature from this release.

3.13 Dial Lock function applied to touch screen
When Dial Lock is applied, The touch screen is also locked.
When waking up from Screen Saver mode, you must touch the Dial Lock  area

3.14 Easy to touch UI of main control screen

3.15 Added memory storage function
Because uBITX's memory is utilized, it can be applied to all LCDs
You can use any Nextion LCD or TJC LCD even if it is not Enhanced Model.

I'll post usage for this part separately

I post a separate article about features that need clarification before deployment, but Version 1.095 is distributed in advance at the request of beta testers who want to test it.
That's why I have not yet posted about the Memory feature. Please wait a day or two and we will post the contents related to memory.

4.Conclusion ( and To GUI Developer)
Thanks to everyone who tested the beta. If there is a serious bug in this version, I will patch it as soon as possible.

The Thankful developers have converted to 3.2 ", 3.5", 5 ", 7", Thank you very much. Thanks to that, I can work fast on 2.8 ".

I have tried not to change the protocol since Version 1.094, But I had to change a few things in this version, After a lot of worries, I added some global variables and changed the structure of the page. I know that this will cause embarrassment for GUI developers.

However, we had to change it for future expansion and stability. 
I promise not to make such a big change in the future.

I only had a month of GUI programming on Nextion LCD, So I did not know how to be more scalable and stable. As I learned the characteristics of the Nextion LCD, we felt the need to change to ensure stability and scalability.

I changed the name of Main Page from pm -> px, This is for protocol compatibility
Nextion LCD has limited memory per page. I felt I needed to leave the Main VFO page a bit blank for future additions.
So I moved the variables to receive data from uBITX to another page.  The main VFO (page named 'px') now contains only the functions and variables for displaying data on the screen.

I added a new page (pm).
I have kept the compatibility with the existing protocol by assigning the name 'pm' to the new Page. The pm page contains all the variables used for data communication (from 'px' page)
This page is dedicated to communication and should not be modified.

And I have added variables for vq, vv, vk, vl, vm for communication.
Currently, only vq and vv are used. vk, vl, vm are reserved

I appreciate the GUI developer's understanding. I also appreciate everyone using and testing the beta version.

Thanks for reading


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello, Ian.

    If you saw my earlier post, which I deleted, I made a mistake an used an older version of uBitx Manager software. I used the latest version and all the information was there in the right side of the software for setting the S-Meter and memories, etc. Sorry for my mistake.

    Juddie WD8WV

  3. Hello Ian, again.

    I have a question. Is there a possibility of being able to select your keying method in the first Menu options or via the touch screen without having to go into Menu > Setup to turn on Straight, Iambic A or Iambic B?? The reason I ask, is after putting a 4 pin mic plug on my rig, I know have a stereo jack for straight key and one for paddles then I have the headphone jack. Thanks again for such great work on these programs!


    Juddie WD8WV

    1. Juddie

      of course, I did not put that feature in this version yet.
      I'll make it easy to change in the next version.

      Ian KD8CEC

    2. Thank you very much. I look forward to that. I have no problem going thru Menu to change the CW speed. It would be nice to be able to select which type of keying you are using via Menu or on the screen.

      Juddie WD8WV

    3. Where is the source for V 1.095?

  4. One last question Ian.

    I have the Nextion 2.8 Enhance screen, haven't put a battery in it yet, but which file should I be using??



    Not sure what the _NXU file is for, whether it is for the enhance version of the 2.8 or what.

    Thanks again and I promise no more questions tonight.

    Juddie WD8WV

    1. The two files are the same.
      Nextion LCD (include TJC) can control uBITX's memory.

      'xxx_NXU.hex' version can read and write all memory areas of uBITX on Nextion LCD.

      The _NX.hex version can read all the memory areas of uBITX on the Nextion LCD, but the writes can only be written to the A area.

      You can use _NX.Hex version for general use.

      In order to use 'stored channel, load channel' added in this version, you can upload _NXU.Hex file.

      You can also try uploading and testing the two alternately.
      It was a really good question.
      I'm missing what I'm describing. I'll add it to this article.

      Ian KD8CEC

    2. The _NX.hex version can read all the memory areas of uBITX on the Nextion LCD, but the writes can only be written to the A area (A area -> address 770~775 <- i assigned this address for External device)

    3. Thanks Ian for that clarification. I need to find a way to access the micro SD card slot so I don't have to always take the top off and remove the raduino and then the display so I can insert the micro SD. Time to modify my enclosure. I am ordering a mini USB enclosure mount so I have a USB on the side of the enclosure. Again thanks for all the excellent work your doing.

      Juddie WD8WV

  5. I am starting to learn how to program the HMI screen. It has been tough but starting to be more fun.

    I am trying to resize the 2.8 hmi screen to a 3.2 and a 3.5 screen. It seems I have to resize each item on the menu.
    Is there an easier way to take the 2.8 in. hmi and select all items at once and resize it to a 3.2 or 3.5 screen?

    You have done excellent work for all of us, Many Thanks,

    1. Vern

      I just learned Nextion LCD. I know it probably is not.
      So GUI developers change the Size after exporting the picture file. (export menu in picture section)
      It seems to use the method of rearranging the components after importing the picture file again.

      Ian KD8CEC

  6. Thank you for your good work and the share, Ian.

  7. I installed v1.095 NX, but step size cannot be changed on main screen.
    Kees PA5CW

    1. Kees

      Have you upgraded the GUI firmware of Nextion LCD or TJC LCD?
      The uBITX firmware and the GUI must also be upgraded.
      If not, please contact me again.

      Ian KD8CEC

    2. no I did not upgrade lcd. tnx

  8. First thank you for all your hard work, Really thank you Sir. Now that I have buttered you up a little, I am having an issue. I purchased the
    Itead 3.2" TFT 480x240 resistive touch screen display Nextion 3.2'' HMI LCD Display Module TFT Touch Panel for ESP8266. I am very new to all this and have been using the 1.08 version with great success.
    I copied the uBitx_32.tft from UBITX_Nextion_GUI_V2 onto a new PNY 16 Gig Memory module. The display powers up with the memory card not installed and works, but when I insert the card and power up the screen goes dark and nothing happens. I have tried another memory module with the same outcome. Can you point me in the right direction or what I may be missing. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Chip L

    1. The problem is solved I took a third memory card that had a slower speed I think and a half the memory size and it read and updated the GUI without any problems. Thanks guys

    2. Chip
      I am glad that the problem has been solved.


  9. This is aimed at Ian with the thought that this might speed up his work on some of the conversions or at least give others a head start. I've finally got the editor figured out somewhat. I've got 1.095 converted to 3.5" with no changes other than resizing the screens and moving things. I haven't resized ALL the screens yet but I have all the major operational ones done and have moved others around a bit so they use more of the screen space. I'm certainly not a pro at this but I think what I've got will work. I don't have my ubitx running yet so can't test beyond the LCD itself and the editor emulation. Here is a .zip with the HMI and TFT files.

    1. Ron

      Really thankful, I know a lot of users with 3.5 "as many as 2.4" and 2.8 "users.
      Can you send this to mike at
      Now on, Nextion LCD's GUIs are arranged on one page for easy browsing.
      I think there will probably be a variety of GUIs on at the end of the beta period.
      I'll look forward to your wonderful work.


    2. Ian, I emailed the file via the info address and aimed it at Mike. I wasn't sure how to do it any other way.

  10. Hi Ron,
    I installed on your file 3.5 your file and I noticed that it lacks the display of hundreds of KHz and hundreds of hertz. Have I made a wrong manipulation. Thank you for your work .


  11. Ron,
    thank you for rescaling the displaay for 3.5 in, which size I do have, too.
    Unfortunately there is lack of digits eg. 3699 shows 3 69 .
    I am not able to fix it myself, but perhaps you could?

    Thank you in advance
    OH3WE Kai

    1. Hi all. Having trouble getting things to post this morning but I've uploaded the fix for the missing digits, it was a mask error.

  12. Thank you Ron . This is very good job.

    Michel F1GTX

  13. CW functionality.
    Ian is it possible to us a Function key to change the cw speed, so I can quickly change the speed.
    Or is it possible to use a potentio meter to directly change the cw speed?

    Kees PA5CW

    1. Kees

      I'll put the feature in the next version. Using a potentiometer is difficult now because there is no extra ADC.

      Ian KD8CEC

  14. Thank you for the wonderful software.
    I have a question.

    Can I display it upside down?
    Maintenance is difficult because the micro-SD slot is at the bottom.

    Mit JH4VAJ

    1. Mit

      I have not tried it yet, but I think it is possible. This function is supported by Nextion Editor. A really good Idea.
      Soon, I'll post a brief note on how to use .HMI files, I'll also post a way to flip it up and down.

      I consider to extent SD cable for change GUI.

      Ian KD8CEC

    2. I did not know the micro-SD extension cable, but it is a good idea.
      On the other hand, I am also looking forward to flip display up and down method.

      Mit JH4VAJ

  15. Hello Ian Thanks for the very good work. Since 1.095 I have a problem LCD = NX3224T028. Everything worked well, then came the new version and my touch panel is not working anymore. Everything else works. Ask for advice. Try all the time after a program for a reset but find nothing. 73 IU1BSV

    1. Peter

      Unfortunately, I still do not know how to factory reset the Nextion LCD.

      I had a problem that the command was not recognized at all. So I found a way to initialize all day but could not find it. But it was my mistake. I experimented with LCD and switched LCD to Extend mode. I realized my mistake and changed the configuration so it worked normally.

      First, you need to determine if your hardware is normal.
      You can find Factory Firmware at the following site.

      You will be able to test the touch of the LCD in Factory Firmware.
      Experiment this and let me know the results again.

  16. Just an update Ian. I have been running the 1.095 beta since I saw you released it. So far I have had no issues. I even found a free copy of HRD and downloaded it and hooked up to the uBitx and seems to work fine from the computer.

    Also, I have completed my s-meter circuit other than the capacitor. Seems I don't have one that will work, 0.30nf or 1.5nf. I have ordered one of each. I also left a comment on your blog on creating the s-meter using the LM358 chip. Boy that was really tough trying to solder those resistors, diode onto the chip socket!!! Hopefully I have it done with no shorts!

    But just wanted to let you know that the beta firmware is working fine on my Nextion 2.8 Enhanced display.

    Great work my friend.
    Juddie WD8WV

    1. Do you have an extra Arduino Nano?
      I am experimenting with another S-Meter using the Arduino Nano.


    2. Ian, I do not have another Arduino Nano, but have thought about ordering a couple. I have searched eBay and found some. Do you have a recommendation??

  17. I just put the Nextion 3.5 "display. Thank you for the wonderful software. Really thank you for all your hard work.

  18. Thank you Ian for all your work, it's fantastic. I have your software controlling my ubitx with a Nextion 3.2in touchscreen and I just love it !
    Regards, Malcolm EI8FH

    1. Thanks for using CEC Firmware
      I am preparing a post for a new version.
      Ian, KD8CEC

  19. I missed the link to the actual firmware to download. Sorry.

    1. Michael.

      Download Firmware linke is :

  20. Do you think it would be possible to use an I2C LCD and a Nextion at the same time? I have one of Sunil's cases. I was planning on putting the Nextion in an external case. It would be great if the radio would work standalone with the I2C LCD I have installed in it as well as with the external TFT when it is plugged in. Is there a problem that would prevent this (like available size in the Nano)?

    Jack Zielke

    1. Jack

      For now it is difficult.
      It seems that you can use one more Arduino nano.
      Nextion LCD supports Multi LCD by default. If we can implement Nextion LCD protocol emulation in Arduino Nano, it will be possible.

      Ian, KD8CEC

  21. Hi.

    Great Job.
    Do you have a firmware file for the NX4832T035_011 and the _011R.


  22. Hi Ian

    Today i checked this web to see if you have any time to give an advice and I got this.

    I don't get it.
    please if you have any advice, help me.
    Sebastian K4BAC

  23. Hi Ian,
    Thank you for your great work on the Nextion. I'm not great on Arduino, but followed your instructions and after about 8 hours work, my display lit up and worked on the uBit-x. I downloaded the latest firmware, and my 2.4 display seems to be doing everything.
    Next is the sensor. Thanks again.
    PS. is there any way to switch from the 2.4 mounted on the radio to an external 7 " screen or would you have to reflash firmware each time?
    Andy KM4TRT

  24. Hi Ian,

    I am making a 5" layout and want to expand the bandscanner with width to show over about 600 pixels. I already figure out expanding the white, red and black lines that make up each bands spectrum line, I even was able to adjust them vertically. But I cant get the yellow drawing of the spectrum to stretch. It doesnt seems like a pixel width setting. Can you please help me. I could send you the hmi file.

  25. Very nice post. I absolutely appreciate this site. Continue the good work!
    3.5 small tft lcd


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