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C-BOARD (DSP-Board) for UV-K5 (Updated June 9, 2024)



I created an externally mountable DSP-Board to process digital signals from UV-K5.

DSP-Board was named C-Board. C-Board is divided into versions ranging from the simplest version to one that can be equipped with GPS.

Version history of this document

  - If the C-Board does not operate due to insufficient current, UV-K5 modification  

  - gps schematic update

0.About C-Board

To apply the DSP-Board to UV-K5, we first implemented a high-speed communication protocol. The videos below use the protocol.

0.1 RP2040 board I used #1
This is the cheapest board. It's usually around $1.4 and sometimes sells for less than that during discounts.

Below is my order details. About a month ago, the product was on sale, so I bought 3 for $1.18
The components are mounted on both sides of the PCB, so they are a bit difficult to attach.

This is also the RP2040 board I use.
Since there are no components on one side of the PCB, the C-Board can be made a little thinner.

The C-Board created in this article uses this board. It can be made in the smallest size as shown in the picture below.

1.Basic Version

  It performs all DSP-related functions, but you cannot hear sound.


The UV-K5's audio signal comes out at close to 8Volts when the volume is maximized. The ADC input range of RP2040 used in Raspberry pi PICO is 0~3.3Volt.
You can use it by reducing the volume appropriately.
I don't know if the ADC bypasses excess current, but no major problems occurred even when the volume was set to maximum.
(Not recommended, but the circuit I use)

2.monitoring version
A version equipped with additional speakers for monitoring and a microphone for simple communication.

Note 1: If you want to hear loudly, the bigger the speaker, the better. I got satisfactory results with speakers about 1cm wide.
Note 2 :  The resistor connected to the speaker must be capable of transmitting high current. I use five100 ohm resistors connected in parallel as shown below.

3.GPS Version
3.1 When using low-power GPS (no modification required for UV-K5)
I used the GP02-Kit, and this product can use the 3.3V of the C-Board.

The widths of the GP-02 Kit GPS and RP-2040 Board are the same.

When GPS was first installed on UV-K5 a few months ago, it was possible to fold the GPS.
However, as a result of testing, there is no major problem even if installed as shown below.

When updating the firmware of the C-Board, you must press the Boot switch mounted on the RP2040 board below. It is difficult to press the button when equipped with GPS.

It is also a good idea to extend and install the SW. It depends on your idea.
For reference, I simply placed paper between the switch and the GPS.
When you press the GPS button with force from above, the Boot switch is pressed.

3.2 How to use a separate power source (UV-K5 modification required)
Even if 3.3Volt is supported, it is difficult to use simultaneously due to excessive power consumption of GPS.
Therefore, a separate power supply unit must be added

Note 1 : Most GPS are equipped with a regulator that converts 5.0 Volt to 3.3 Volt.
All four types of GPS I have are equipped the same way. 

When replacing the 5.0 -> 3.3 converter mounted on the GPS with a general 3.3 regulator, the lm1117 5.0 part of the above circuit can be omitted. (general 3.3 regulator support 8.4 volt input)

In the picture below, the component in the square box is a 5 Volt To 3.3Volt regulator.

I took 8.4Volt from the point indicated by the arrow in the picture below.


4.1 You can make it by cutting the headset or programming cable.

If you purchase the cable below, you can get two plug parts.  However, most plugs have only three wires connected. You have to cut the plug with a knife and solder all the wires together. It's not an easy task.

A version made with the same plug as above.

4.2 use 3.5mm and 2.5mm plug

I have recently purchased and made a plug like the one below.

To ensure the correct location and direction of the plug, insert the plug into the radio and mark its location.

Basic version

Monitorring versoin

I cut the plastic and made it into a case. If you or someone around you uses a 3D printer, you can make a cooler case.


5. Use of UV-K5 and C-Board
5.1firmware upload
1.While holding down the Boot button, connect the USB to the computer.
2.A removable disk called RPI-RP2 will appear on your computer.
3.Copy the firmware file and paste it into the RPI-RP2 disk.

The firmware is currently under development and will be distributed together with the release of UV-K5 firmware CEC versin 0.4.
If you need firmware even before Version 0.4 is released, we will send it to you by email.
(No additional equipment is required to upload firmware to the C-Board.)

SSB Receive TEST
Receive FT8 and Decode using UV-K5 with C-Board (Standalone )

5.2 When C-Board does not work
 - Some UV-K5 devices have current limitations, so the C-Board may not operate.
 - In some cases, the C-Board works, but only when entering FT-8 mode.
   This also means that the current supplied to the C-Board is insufficient. When operating in FT8 mode, more current is required due to overclocking.
 - The C-Board operates normally, but when connected to GPS, it does not work.

I tested a total of 8 UV-K5s and had problems with 2 of them. This issue was reported by a beta tester a month ago.

1. Connect a resistor of 2 to 5 ohms to part A in the picture below.
  (I connected 3 ohms (3 10 ohm parallel))

  Most problems will probably be solved by simply adding a resistor to point A.

2.If the problem is not resolved yet, install a 10 ohm resistor at point B. (This part is mostly unnecessary)
In my case, one UV-K5 had to be modified at both points A and B to use the C-Board with GPS.

Example (My Case)
I removed the original 47 ohm resistor at point A for testing, but you don't need to. (2~5 ohm resistors are connected in parallel, so the 47 ohm resistor will be ignored)


  1. You are amazing. Less than a week has passed and the next GPS project has already passed. Thank you Alfred, SP3DRY

    1. I posted this in advance because it takes time for people who want to make it to order and receive the RP2040. I bought several GPS's, but one GPS I bought from aliexpress is over a month old and is still being delivered. lol

    2. Give me your email address and I'll send you a file to test. (

    3. Would you be so kind as to send it to me at ,i tambié

  2. Parts ordered. Mine will be bigger and uglier though I think.

    1. It wasn't until the 8th time I made it that the size finally became smaller.
      It gets smaller every time you make it. lol

    2. Today I designed a 3D printed case with room for a GPS. It is a bit large but fits on the radio well and will work for a few prototypes. I will solder the circuit tomorrow then I am ready to test the C-board when it is released.

    3. Give me your email address and I'll send you a file to test. (

  3. Ian you're eons forward :-D. Hope this idea still remain 100% yours and will not be stolen by marketeers without giving you any credit... :-( I think I'll make my version in the future interposing a (not so) flat 3d printed case between the radio and battery pack. This could accomodate 2040 board a "decent" speeker and mike, GPS, charge circuit and power supply directly from the battery. Also a RTC module can be located in, so FT8 sync will be possible even without GPS fix. Joining this hack with your si 4732 mod makes RX in HF possible (also digital modes) WITHOUT MODDING THE RADIO!!... I'm just thinking of a PCB... This can be a total breaktru of K5 MCU limits with a penny expense! Congratulations!
    73 de IU3POA!

    1. excellent, Originally my ultimate goal was Standalone FT8 communication. It would be pretty cool to be able to do FT8 communication out of your pocket.I don't know if I will continue working on this, but perhaps including a GPS or Raltime Clock module would add features I could only imagine.
      It's a transceiver in pocket that automatically tracks satellites and even performs Doppler calculations to automatically set frequency.
      In fact, I have already ported the SGP4 Library (satellite coordinate calculation) to C-Board, but it is unclear whether it will work or not.
      However, since at least APRS reception and FT8 reception are already implemented, I don't think it will be a waste of time for those who created the C-Board.

    2. Give me your email address and I'll send you a file to test. (

    3. Hiya colleague. Is still possible to have your firmware sent over email? I got all the bits and dats from aliex and ready to go. Thanks in advance

  4. Can I try C-Board firmware in advance? My email is

    1. I've sent you an email. If the email has not been sent, please email me. (

  5. This looks like a very very cool idea, can I try it? Could you please send me a copy of the c-board firmware, thanks a lot. My email address is

    1. I've sent you an email. If the email has not been sent, please email me. (

  6. Pretty Slick. I'll bet this could be built into one of those inexpensive speaker/mics that are sold for around $10 on Amazon. I'd love to try this. Any chance I could also obtain your c-board firmware?

    1. I've sent you an email. If the email has not been sent, please email me. (

  7. I see that Quansheng is now marketing the UV-K6 transceiver. Would this still be compatible as an upgrade to the UV-K5(8) that you used?

    1. As far as I know it is the same circuit.
      I haven't tested it, but I think it will be compatible.

  8. Nice idea. Could you please send me a copy of the c-board firmware, thanks a lot. My email address is

    1. I've sent you an email. If the email has not been sent, please email me. (

  9. It's very interesting, can I try it? My email is

  10. I have designed a pcb and I want to test my pcb, Could you send me a c-board firmware? thanks , my email is

  11. I'm following your tutorial to make it, thank you for your effort, here's my mailbox thanks

  12. Could you please send me a copy of the c-board firmware, thanks a lot. My email address is

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Could You Plan to add to PCB Way project of board with BOM ?

  15. I had drop email, please send me c-board firmware and UV-K5 firmware, BR&73 YB3RDW

  16. I would like to receive firmware for the radio and RP2040, my email:

  17. C-Board V0.32 is great so far. Really nice menus in the new version. One small request - can the APRS displays show the SSID? Some people have multiple stations with the same callsign but different SSID's, so it would be nice to differentiate.

    1. It is really useful that you can scroll through the last 72 beacons and press 5 to set the DX call for messaging. I hope the SSID can be implemented here as well. I don't see a way to enter a "-" for the SSID with the new keyboard entry, but it works great otherwise.

  18. Would it be possible to receive the firmware for the radio and RP2040, my email is

  19. I really appreciate your work, bravo! Please also send me the software to Thank you very much SP9WP

  20. First of all, thank you and congratulations for all the hard work you are doing for HAM radio and for sharing it.
    I still have a uBitx with your firmware, great improvement you did also there. And when I saw that UV-K5 is in your attention, I know that you will manage to take that radio to another level, and you did it in my opinion with APRS TX facilities.
    And for sure with C-board is the next level. I worded 2 boards, also 2 new GPS modules, low consumptions. I hope that in several weeks I will receive them.
    Is it possible to send me ( YO8SDE[_] ) the firmware for C-Board ?

    Thank you once again,
    From YO8SDE, Florin

  21. Parts coming in this weekend should have some time to build Saturday.
    Appreciate if you can send the Cboard firmware my way.
    vargasc4 [at]

  22. Would it be possible to receive the firmware for the radio and RP2040, my email is iz7nct(a)

  23. I received my GP-02-Kit GPS from AliExpress today and wired it up. Works great, time and location reporting in the APRS POS menu. Trying to figure out the optimal volume setting for receive - it would be great if it had a level indicator like Direwolf. I will use this a lot - thanks Ian.

  24. Здравствуйте, можно получить прошивку для теста, без gps? (

    1. Hello, can I get the firmware for the test without GPS? ;-)

  25. Hi, I admire your work ,Would it be possible to receive the firmware for the radio? My email is :

  26. Hey man, amazing job! I'd love to play with this, is it possible to have access to the firmware? On a side note, I'd like to contribute to CEC fw, is it possible to have access to the most recent one? Thanks, keep up the good work!

  27. Amazing job! I guess the next step is redesign the board and solder QFN-56 and GP 02/BDS+GPS together to put them inside, maybe with additional bluetooth module to update program

  28. Hi Ian. I would like to try out the C-board. Is it possible for you to send me the firmware? I already have a couple of RP2040-boards.
    My email is sm0gns(at)
    73 de Peder, SM0GNS

  29. Can you send me a C-Board firmware to e-mail ?

  30. Hey Ian, could you please send me a copy of the c-board firmware to

  31. Hello. Can you send me a C-Board firmware to e-mail ?

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Can you send me a C-Board firmware? My e-mail: Thanks!

  34. Great project. I'd be happy to order components and try it. If possible, please send me a firmware (I'll send you an email). Any chance for the source code?

  35. Can you provide me with the Firmware please?, my email:

  36. Can you send me a C-Board firmware? My Thanks

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Hello, please tell me where to get the firmware 0.4 for the station and the firmware for RP2040? If possible, please send it by e-mail -

  38. Can you provide me with the Firmware please?, my email:

  39. can you provide me the firmware please? my

  40. Can you send me the firmware, too, please? MY email: Thanks & 73 de UN8G

  41. It's very interesting, can you provide me the firmware please? my email : Thanks

  42. Отличный проект. Хотелось бы попробовать на 145 МГц. Возможно ли получить прошивку на С - плату. Буду очень благодарен.

  43. мой email:

  44. Please share me :

  45. Hello. Can you send me last update C-Board firmware to e-mail ? Thanks

  46. I would like to receive firmware for the radio and RP2040, my email:

  47. I really appreciate your work.Would it be possible to receive the firmware for the radio and RP2040?
    My email:

  48. hi, very cool, can i get the firmware for testing to the address ?

  49. While KD8CEC is out of touch, I have the files. If someone is interested, let me know by email.

    1. I really hope to test this version, hope you can send it to me, thank you very much
      my email:

    2. I made a C-board and hope to test the firmware and the board.
      Thanks a lot if I can get the firmware.

    3. I want to test the C-board that i made , can you can send it to me, thank you very much.
      My email is

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. Can I try C-Board firmware in advance? My email is

  51. Can you provide me with the Firmware please?, my

  52. Hello, I like this firmware very much. Can you share it with me? Thank you.

  53. Hello,Could you please send me a copy of the c-board firmware, thanks a lot. My email address is

  54. Hi, I'm keen to try this with my UV-K58 but Aliexpress sent me GP-01 Kit instead of GP-02 Kit. Will the GP-01 Kit work OK? Thanks.

  55. Could you please send me a copy of the c-board firmware, thanks a lot. My email address is

  56. My ultimate goal is to achieve FT8 communication while hiking, and I have already purchased 2040 and GPS, Thanks a lot if I can get the firmware.(Email:

  57. This blog provides a detailed look at the C-Board for UV K5, discussing its features and potential benefits. A valuable read for anyone interested in innovative technology solutions for UV printing! Best School in Tirupati | Top Schools in Tirupati

  58. Any news from KD8CEC? I Hope is everything ok

  59. I would love to try this out if you could email me the firmware that would be great! cheers!

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.


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